Our Vision
Empower all students to attain their educational goals, develop an equity-based mindset and become civic leaders in their communities.
Mission Statement
De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. The college engages students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies:
- Communication and expression
- Information literacy
- Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility
- Civic capacity for global, cultural, social and environmental justice
- Critical thinking
De Anza Values
We embrace honesty, credibility, clear communication and acting on our stated values. We strive to acknowledge and address issues that may be difficult to broach. The college’s ability to fulfill its mission depends on a college community in which everyone feels included, respected and safe.
In all of our many roles, we will continuously and purposefully reflect in order to innovate and improve. We work to ensure our physical space is welcoming, conducive to learning and environmentally sustainable. We are committed to being innovative in our daily work, curriculum and use of technology. We work with our students to be creative, flexible, imaginative and inventive, and to prepare to contribute to a world that will demand skills and competencies not yet in view.
We welcome students of all ages and backgrounds and connect with them, in their range of unique circumstances, to help them fulfill their dreams. We strive to design classes and services to the needs of those we serve. We value and embrace the intellectual contributions of a diverse spectrum of people and cultures. We strive for a diverse workforce that honors the contributions of all who work here.
Developing the Human Capacity of All Students
We will provide support in six key factors* of student success. Our students will be:
Directed, with a goal and the knowledge of how to achieve it.
Focused, staying on track to achieve that goal.
Nurtured, feeling that we want to, and do, help them to succeed.
Engaged, actively participating in class and extracurricular activities.
Connected, feeling that they are part of the college community.
Valued, with their skills, talents and abilities recognized, and with opportunities to contribute on campus and feel that their contributions are appreciated.
Institutional Core Competencies
The Institutional Core Competency statements are a promise to the communities that support De Anza College that students graduating with an A.A. or A.S. degree, or who will transfer to a four-year college or university, will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within all of the five competency areas, based on general education and discipline-specific courses at the lower division level.
Students who earn a certificate, or have taken courses for personal educational development, will be expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes specified within one (or more) of the five competency areas.
- Communication and Expression: Students will communicate clearly, express themselves creatively, interpret thoughtfully and logically, and engage actively in dialogue and discussion, while paying attention to audience, situation, and (inter) cultural context. Communication and expression may be written or oral, verbal or nonverbal, informational or artistic.
- Information Literacy: Students will recognize when information is needed and locate, critically evaluate, synthesize, and communicate information in various formats. They will use appropriate resources and technologies while understanding the social, legal, and ethical issues for information and its use.
- Physical/Mental Wellness and Personal Responsibility: Students will recognize lifestyles that promote physical and mental well-being, engage in self-reflection and ethical decision-making, explore career choices and life goals, practice effective individual and collaborative work habits, and demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning.
- Civic Capacity for Global, Cultural, Social and Environmental Justice: Students will recognize their role as local, national, and global citizens. They will participate in a democratic process, respect social and cultural diversity, appreciate the complexity of the physical world, and understand the significance of both environmental sustainability and social justice.
- Critical Thinking: Students will analyze arguments, create and test models, solve problems, evaluate ideas, estimate and predict outcomes based on underlying principles relative to a particular discipline, interpret literary, artistic, and scientific works, utilize symbols and symbolic systems, apply qualitative and quantitative analysis, verify the reasonableness of conclusions, explore alternatives, empathize with differing perspectives, and adapt ideas and methods to new situations.
Civic Engagement for Social Justice
We provide students with opportunities to enhance their potential for purposeful and productive lives. As a public institution, we contribute to the development of our local, state, national and global communities. We view our students and ourselves as agents of change, responsible for building the world in which all people are able to realize their dreams in ways that are environmentally sustainable and in alignment with the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights.
*From "Student Support (Re)defined," a report by the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges, January 2013.