General Meeting Information
Date: November 14,
Topic Purpose Discussion Leader Update the Educational Master Plan and Metrics I/D All Review Accreditation - Quality Focused Essay I/D All Review the Equity Plan Annual Update I/D All Updates on new Legislation and Emergency Funds I/D All Committee Membership I/D
All Discussion of the Annual Planning Calendar I/D
All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Mallory Newell, Randy Bryant, Lorrie Ranck, Rob Mieso, Christina Espinosa-Pieb, Diana Alves-De Lima, Marilyn Booye, Mary Pape, Karen Chow, Scott Olsen
The committee reviewed the updated Educational Master Plan (EMP) and Metrics and determined that it can go ahead and be shared with the College Council at the next meeting. It was discussed that the term Targeted was changed to: African American, Filipinx, Pacific Islander and Latinx in this document as well as on the program review data tool. Newell noted to the group that the institutional metrics were changed last year to include new Equity plan metrics and additional key data points were included to address justifications for declining enrollment. The members were asked to share the document with their constituency groups.
The group then reviewed the Accreditation – Quality Focused Essay - Update for 2018-19. Newell provided a reasoning for why this update is created, as a document to catalog efforts in meeting our QFE by the midterm report. This item was for information only and the members were asked to share the document with their constituency groups.
The group then reviewed the Equity Plan Annual Update and Newell noted that the report is due to the state due January 1, 2020. Members were asked to share the update with their constituency group as an information item. It was noted that this would likely be an annual requirement from the state moving forward. Newell mentioned that feedback and comments can be submitted to her by the end of the quarter.
Newell then raised the issue that there is new legislation that allows colleges to create an emergency fund using SEA funds. To do so, we need to add to the existing Equity Plan the ability to establish an emergency fund for students in order to allocate these funds ad hoc. The group agreed that we may amend our existing equity plan and add the item to the plan.
(e) (1) Funding included in the Budget Act for the Student Equity and Achievement Program may be used for provision of emergency student financial assistance to help an eligible student overcome unforeseen financial challenges that would directly impact the student’s ability to persist in the student’s course of study. These challenges include, but are not necessarily limited to, the immediate need for shelter or food. Each community college district and campus is encouraged to consider the unique characteristics of its student body in developing specific guidelines for further defining what constitutes an unforeseen financial challenge for its students.
(2) In order for emergency student financial assistance to be an allowable use of Student Equity and Achievement Program funds, emergency student financial assistance shall be included in the institution’s plan for interventions to students.
(3) For purposes of this subdivision, the following terms are defined as follows:
(A) “Eligible student” means a student who has experienced an unforeseen financial challenge, who is making satisfactory academic progress, as defined by the college the student attends, and who is at risk of not persisting in the student’s course of study due to the unforeseen financial challenge.
(B) “Emergency student financial assistance” means financial support to assist a student to overcome unforeseen financial challenges, including, but not limited to, direct aid in the form of emergency grants, housing and food assistance, textbook grants, and transportation assistance, so that the student can continue the student’s course of study.
The group then discussed adding committee members to the committee. Committee membership. The group agreed to add a member from the Equity Action Committee (EAC). The group already agreed to add all Vice Presidents and associate vice presidents and agreed to add the new dean of Career, Technical Education.
The group agreed that at the next meeting we will discuss as part of the annual planning calendar:
The Assessment of governance per the planning calendar to take place this year:
- What does governance look like on campus? Is there guidance and direction? (see: Handbook)
- Is there orientation to your governance group?
- How are we assessing the work of the governance groups? (via the annual governance survey)
- Do people feel like they have a voice (climate survey?)
- Are there other ideas on how best to assess our governance process?
- Review Governance Handbook
- Add who has a vote in each committee? e.g. students, part timers, etc.
- Are committees using the handbook as part of their orientation of new members
- Can a contact person be included for each committee?
- Can a DASB spot on every committee be designated?
- Should CPC develop a handbook template for new members that each committee can add to and post it online for orientation to each committee?