From the President

A Message of Gratitude

Nov. 23, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Like you, I am looking forward to the break, and to the Thanksgiving holiday – in my case, celebrating with my husband, David. We have so much to be thankful for: each other, our health, especially during this precarious time, and jobs that we love. 

I’m thankful for you, the members of the De Anza College community. Moving across the country during a pandemic is no easy task, let alone moving to an area that I had never even visited, with the hope of loving it. Yet, immediately, I did love it, even more so almost five months into my new role. In this online environment, you’ve shown me that De Anza is so much more than buildings I have yet even to visit. Most of all, it is our students. And it is you: the faculty and classified professionals who are the heart of De Anza, with an incomparable commitment to our students and the college. For that – and for you – I am thankful. 

I do know that this particular holiday also represents painful reminders of colonialism and genocide, and I appreciate the work of the Office of Equity in educating about this, and providing opportunities for learning and discussion. The office's website includes a link to the work of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco​​ Bay Area, honoring the legacy of the Ohlone nation, on whose land we live today.

I also know that the holiday – this particular year – means a loss for those of you who would typically be traveling to visit family or friends, or gathering with a houseful of loved ones in your own home or nearby. This loss of in-person connection is certainly one of the greatest losses – of many – during this pandemic. Yet taking all precautions helps to guard against that most incalculable loss of all, as sobering as that thought is. That is what I have emphasized in many college meetings and venues: that health and safety are paramount.

I wish you a safe and wonderful holiday, however different it may be this year, and I am truly grateful for each of you. Thank you for all that you do for the students of De Anza College.

With gratitude,

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